North Carolina Council of Chapters Zoom Meeting 2024
Meeting Notes
Attached file(s) are for use as part of the 10:00 AM Council meeting.
Attached file(s) are for use as part of the 10:00 AM Council meeting.
Attached file(s) are for use as part of the 10:00 AM Council meeting.
Attached file(s) are for use as part of the 10:00 AM Council meeting.
Stay tuned for an agenda from CW4 Garbus as well as a Zoom invitation link.
Attached files are for use as part of the 10:00 AM Council meeting.
Open the below, downloadable files for information on the 4th Quarterly NCCOC Meeting in Winston Salem, NC.
The 3rd Quarter Meeting was held in combination with the National MOAA Workshop, in Raleigh, NC.
The minutes of the July 7, 2022 North Carolina Council of Chapters Zoom call are posted along with earlier Council the below downloadable file "NCCOC Board Meeting July 2022."
* The 1st Quarterly meeting of the NCCOC was held using Zoom at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Wilkesboro, NC on January 7 and 8, 2022.
* The agenda, as provided by Council President, CW4 Jay Garbus is attached, as are the meeting minutes, "220108 - MOAA NCCOC Meeting Minutes".
NCCOC Quarterly Meeting
November 13, 2021, 0830 hours to 1130 hours
Laurel Learning Center, The Hawhorne Inn & Conference Center
420 High St., Winston-Salem, NC
Open the quarterly meeting slide deck here.
Open CAPT Jim Carman's Fall 2021 North Carolina Council Update here .
Link to the photographs from the 4th quarterly meeting here.
* Open for information on the 3rd Quarterly Agenda of the NCCOC which was previously going to be held in conjunction with the national MOAA workshop in Raleigh, NC. Due to COVID, MOAA pivoted to a Zoom meeting on September 17, 2021 and the NCCOC moved the 3rd quarter (virtual) meeting to Saturday, September 18, 2021.
* Open the below, downloadable file which is the slide deck of information and materials discussed at the meeting on Saturday, September 18, 2021 @ 1000.
* The minutes from the meeting are posted in the below, downloadable file.
- On May 15, 2021 the quarterly NCCOC meeting will NOT be held at the VFW Hall in Raleigh, NC. While consideration was given to a Saturday meeting per state mandates allowing up to 50 people indoors, due to changes in several individual's personal agendas and the potential for travel restrictions, a decision was made to pivot to a ZOOM only meeting.
- The invitation for joining the Zoom meeting will be sent out late Thursday, May 13th to participants. If you did not receive, but wish to attend, please e-mail the NCCOC Website Manager using the below link before COB on Friday.
- Open the below, downloadable agenda and print for your use during the meeting; other documents that will relate to the meeting are posted when received.
- Minutes of the February 20, 2021 quarterly meeting are downloadable below or by using the link in the 5/15/21 slide deck.
- The NCCOC 5/15/21 Slide Deck will be posted NLT Friday night, May 14, 2021, in this posting.
The minutes of the May 15, 2021 Quarterly Meeting of the North Carolina Council of Chapters are here.
Files attached include the meeting agenda and other documents for Council officers, Chapter Presidents and others participating in the 1st Quarter Zoom meeting.
- Agenda for the February 20, 2021 Zoom Meeting of the NCCOC.
- Minutes from the NCCOC 1st Quarter 2020 Virtual Meeting on February 20, 2021.
- Short Bio for the 2/20/21 Guest Speaker, H. E. Wolfe.
- HEW Briefing.
* As with the 2nd and 3rd North Carolina Council of Chapters quarterly meetings, the 4th quarterly meeting was virtual...the below, downloadable file is the slide deck that was used by participants in the virtual meeting.
* The agenda provided by the NCCOC President for the subject meeting is here...
* Related materials are also posted if received.
* A slide deck for the meeting is posted HERE for review by all North Carolina Council of Chapters teleconference participants.
* The minutes of the 3rd quarter (Virtual) NCCOC ZOOM meeting are posted here.
* The audio files of the minutes of the 3rd quarter (Virtual) NCCOC ZOOM meeting are posted here.
* The North Carolina State Council of Chapters did not hold a second quarter meeting except by having a virtual meeting using teleconferencing on Saturday morning, May 16th.
* The minutes from the meeting, as well as the PowerPoint slide presentation referenced in the minutes are linked below.
* Also linked are copies of the NC S.B. 717 and S.B. 767v0.
Minutes of the Virtual Quarterly Meeting
NCCOC Virtual Quarterly Meeting Slide Deck (Teleconference)
* This is to certify that these bylaws were approved and adopted at the organizational annual meeting of the North Carolina Council of Chapters of the Military Officers Association of America via Zoom on 14 December 2023.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters newsletter(s) - oldest to newest - are posted on their dates of publication.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters newsletter(s) - oldest to newest - are posted on their dates of publication.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters newsletter(s) - oldest to newest - are posted on their dates of publication.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters newsletter(s) - oldest to newest - are posted on their dates of publication.
* Editor's note: there was not an "NCCOC - Newsletter VIII" produced which is the reason there is nothing listed for that issue.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters newsletter(s) - newest to oldest - are posted on their dates of publication.
The North Carolina Council of Chapters Surviving Spouse Liaison newsletter(s) - Month and Year - are posted on their dates of publication.
An additional post to this subcategory is the Arlington National Cemetery Newsletter which Dr. Vivianne Wersel says has valuable information for surviving spouses.
* The Affiliate is MOAA's monthly e-Newsletter for Councils and Chapters. The Affiliate e-newsletter is now referred to as the MOAA Newsletter
* The current issue, as well as an archive of past issues, can be opened via this link.
Subject minutes by date (oldest to newest) of the NCCOC President’s minor Zoom meetings can be opened/read in the below downloadable file(s).
Subject minutes by date (oldest to newest) of the NCCOC President’s minor Zoom meetings can be opened/read in the below downloadable file(s).
Subject minutes by date (oldest to newest) of the NCCOC President’s minor Zoom meetings can be opened/read in the below downloadable file(s).