* Council and Chapter questions are answered here regarding management practices for MOAA Councils and Chapters from the newly renovated MOAA website...this index of topics provide immediate access to everything required to keep things working flawlessly.
* Check it out.
* All commissioned and warrant officers of the seven Uniformed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, U.S. Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the reserve and other components of these services (regular members) are eligible for membership.
* Widows and widowers of any deceased individual, who would, if living, be eligible for membership are eligible as auxiliary members.
* If you're someone who is eligible for membership in MOAA, click here to learn all that membership has to offer.
* More importantly, consider what adding your voice to the more than 380,000 others who are members in MOAA means towards sending a strong message to our Congressional leadership on matters relevant to both retired and active serving members of the armed services, as well as surviving spouses.
Join MOAA as a Premium, Life or Basic member with this link...when submitted, MOAA will respond and determine the level of membership you wish to choose.
Click here to open the Common Join Form as a fillable PDF.
Click here to open the Common Join Form in Microsoft Word.